Hello there!

I am a pediatric occupational therapist specializing in movement & sensory interventions.

I provide early intervention in Manhattan with an amazing agency, Association to Benefit Child. I have a pediatric private practice, Wild Fig Occupational Therapy. And I create educational resources and workshops through my organization, Little Zanies.

There is a common thread through all chapters of our life, from developmental milestones in infancy to moving well (and pain free) as an adult. I understand this really well. I am passionate about helping kids find their innate superpowers to grow; and helping parents (or parent-like people) connect to their own resilience deep down. I have a crap ton of experience and education that continues to expand constantly (seriously, ask me what course I’m currently taking and what’s coming up… I’m insatiably curious). My approaches are fun, personalized, and work toward sustainability (meaning you keep growing the awesome inside after we’re done). I love what I do and I’m freaking amazed every day that I get to do it.